Not Returning Phone Calls… and Other Bad Habits to Overcome

Bad habits, we all have them. (And you thought I was perfect.) Mine are occasional procrastination, and sometimes underesti­mating how long a building project will take, such as putting up shelving or rearranging our warehouse. In both cases what helps me to overcome these is by relating them to the loss of money and time.

Not tackling a business project or task earlier could result in higher prices later or even late charges. And it will delay any potential benefits you might expect from the completed project. Underestimating how long the installation of new shelving in a store will take – or any other business-related task – is not simply a scheduling problem. No, it could mean that you may have to kiss off a few Sundays to help with the project yourself in order to meet your proposed completion date. I speak from experi­ence.

But it’s those interpersonal bad habits that can kill a business and must be confronted when they become evident with any member of your staff. The chief bad habit for business is not returning phone calls in a timely manner. Whoever is calling you or your employees represents new orders, a client with questions about a product or service, and even a business-related complaint. In all cases, returning these calls promptly can mitigate most potential problems, and is a way to make your customers feel they are impor­tant to you, and are appreciated. It is one of the factors in how Landscape Warehouse continues to grow our loyal customer list. We treat our clients with respect and think of them as friends, not numbers on a ledger. And it all starts by returning their phone calls.

You’ve probably heard the one about the guy who ran into someone whose phone call he had not yet returned. Jokingly exclaimed the man, “Thank God Fred that I wasn’t on fire and needed your help to put it out!”

You’ll never know the importance of that unreturned phone call. The future of your business could very well rest upon its timely return.

– José Robles, owner, Landscape Warehouse

Bronwyn Miller