Too Busy to Help?

It is now the middle of the year, and if you have not already done so, it is time to reflect. You have either accomplished most of your goals so far or fallen behind on your plans. In either case, if you have helped your community in some way – in spite of the COVID shutdown – it will have rewarded you with that feeling of accomplishment you will need to tackle the second half of the year.

What, you have been too busy to help? Well, now’s a good time to start. Let’s put the question another way: Are you too busy to learn and grow your business? Too busy to expand your network and bring in potential clients that have been waiting there just for you? Too busy to mingle with likeminded people – fellow landscapers and suppliers – who are eager to share fresh ideas or products that can help take your business to the next level? And finally, are you too busy to have some FUN with other CLCA members golfing, fishing, or laughing during a unique fundraiser?

You see, by getting involved in your CLCA chapter you will enjoy all the benefits just mentioned…and plenty more…while at the same time helping SFV break out of the COVID slump, grow its board, and take on more community service projects. Projects and programs such as the landscaping of the Police Academy, the donation of toys and books to shelters during the Holidays, and the raising of scholarship funds for the LEAF program.

So, want to make the second half of 2021 more rewarding than the first half? Then get back involved in the SFV Chapter, attend our coming events including our Golf Tournament, the Chinese Auction, and several others still on the drawing boards.

You might even consider joining our board of directors to help guide the chapter through what is stacking up to be an exciting rest of the year. We have a spot just for you. Call me and let me know you are NOT too busy to help.

– Francisco Salazar, 2021 SFV Chapter President

Bronwyn Miller