Rainy Weather Brings Time for Education

Welcome to rainy weather…finally. This weather gives some of us forced time to catch up on our office work, whether it is emails, calls, or estimates. Some might even take this time to brush up on industry relevant classes, webinars, or other educational activities. For those interested, be on the lookout for different classes and courses offered by CLCA in our area, like QWEL. Several suppliers put on free educational classes throughout the year as well.

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Bronwyn Miller
Preparing for Higher Standards

Rain is finally here and with it lots of opportunity. Let me start by saying thank you to all the people who attended our Tri-Chapter Installation Dinner. Having all the Contractor and Associate Members made for a great network­ing night. Also, a special thank you to our CLCA State President Lindsay Ono for doing the honors of installing the new boards.

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Bronwyn Miller
Thoughts and Prayers

It’s a new year but unfortunately it did not begin well for some of us. With the recent winds wreaking havoc through the city and causing multiple power outages we also have several fires raging all around us, with three of them in San Fernando Valley. Yes, we are right in the middle of it all.

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Bronwyn Miller
Yuletide Love is Timeless

December is always a terrific time to reflect back on love given and received on our life’s journey. It is also the time to consider the love given and received from and to those around us. Reflecting on our achievements, victories and successes in the creative opportunities that came our way throughout the year, allows us to thank God for them because they came from Him.

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Bronwyn Miller

This Thanksgiving message begins with me saying thank you to all who were able to make it to the Los Angeles Rainwater Harvesting event in Torrance. Special thanks to SiteOne for hosting and for all their help. Thank you also to Mike Garcia, Past LA/SGV President who served as the evening’s speaker.

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Bronwyn Miller
Awakening Greatness Within

There is an infinite creative life within every person – yes, even me. So many terrific books and even novels awaken within us so many possibilities for greatness that are already within us. In our professions and vocations, we have recognized this as a matter of study and experiences.

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Bronwyn Miller
Answer the Door, Your Opportunities Are Knocking

Opportunities come and go in every industry, but why is it that a few people get their pick of the crop, while others get a crack at the leftovers…if at all. Some of the keys to steadily landing business opportunities include hard work, maintaining a positive attitude, and never giving up…ever. Toss in answering phone calls promptly, honesty, integrity and realistic pricing, and you have a good foundation for opportunity hunting. These are all good qualities for entrepreneurs like us.

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Bronwyn Miller
Time to Grow Through Education

June is here and with it comes our annual Beautification Awards on the 22nd, and although it is our biggest event it is not our only one in the near future. After our Awards Banquet we will be holding other educational events to help you grow both personally and professionally.

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Bronwyn Miller
In Their Shoes

A good way to take a reality check on how your business is really doing is to take a position on the front lines as a regular worker. This is effective at any level of the business, from laborer or crew leader for field work, to counterperson, driver, or department manager for businesses like Landscape Warehouse. I have the opportunity to do exactly that as I write this because our Office Manager has taken an unexpected trip, and it is now up to me to fill in for a few days. Time to step into her shoes, so to speak.

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Bronwyn Miller
Important Events You Don’t Want to Miss

In staying with the spirit of learning to improve your business, our next event is April 11, a Zoom presentation by Sal Hernandez on “How to make the most profit from your award-winning projects.” Whether you are able to make that presentation or not you should still send in your entry applications as soon as possible. We are accepting entries for the Landscape Awards Competition from San Fernando Valley, Channel Islands and LA/San Gabriel Valley chap­ters. If you have any questions on how to submit, please feel free to reach out to us.

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Bronwyn Miller
A New Season

I hope you are staying dry through these rainy days. It’s now March and with it comes the spring season, a time of new growth and garden revitalization.

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Bronwyn Miller
Off to the Races

January is done, just 11 more months to go. I would like to start off by giving a special thanks to all who attended our Installation Dinner last month, includ­ing our CLCA State President Tom Sweeny. Installation of both San Fernando Valley and Channel Islands chapters was a great success.

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Bronwyn Miller
New Year, New Opportunities

It is a new year and with it comes new opportunities. Like other years, CLCA is preparing for several events throughout the year with our biggest event being our Beautification Awards Program.

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Bronwyn Miller
Many Thanks for a Successful 2023

It has been a long year with many accomplishments along the way. As the New Year approaches, I would like to thank everyone who has supported the Chapter this year, either by giving their time or by attending our events. Thank you to our hard-working Board Members as well as to all our Associate Members that have helped and sponsored us and continue to do so. Without all this support this Chapter could not continue in its path delivering excellent programs and valuable information to our members and others in the Green Industry.

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Bronwyn Miller
Happy Thanksgiving to All

It is now November and with it most of us are hopeful for a big family feast around the big table. I am very thankful for those SFV members who have remained active and supportive through Covid, and whose ideas and energy will ensure that 2024 is an even greater success than the year just ending.

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Bronwyn Miller
Not Returning Phone Calls… and Other Bad Habits to Overcome

Bad habits, we all have them. (And you thought I was perfect.) Mine are occasional procrastination, and sometimes underesti­mating how long a building project will take, such as putting up shelving or rearranging our warehouse. In both cases what helps me to overcome these is by relating them to the loss of money and time.

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Bronwyn Miller
Finding Your Ten Talent Area

In his book Calling of the Kingdom, my friend (and your Editor) John Hernandez has a section dedicated to helping you find your Ten Talent Area (ten being best) that is a key in the pursuit of your calling…your reason for being here. This is a talent that you have had all your life, and one that you are most likely underutilizing – especially in business. You probably don’t realize you have this talent because it has become second nature to you. You may not see it, but others do; it is God-given, and you are very, very good at it.

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Bronwyn Miller
Appreciating Great Staff Members

A great staff doesn’t just happen. There’s a lot of training, counseling, and setting of realistic goals for each department in their development process. And as we do with our customers…we treat all our staff members like family. If you don’t have a good training program in place for your staff…you’d better start one. You will redeem its cost a hundredfold.

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Bronwyn Miller