Rainy Weather Brings Time for Education
Welcome to rainy weather…finally. This weather gives some of us forced time to catch up on our office work, whether it is emails, calls, or estimates. Some might even take this time to brush up on industry relevant classes, webinars, or other educational activities. For those interested, be on the lookout for different classes and courses offered by CLCA in our area, like QWEL. Several suppliers put on free educational classes throughout the year as well.
For those interested in entering the San Fernando Valley Beautification Awards, forms are now available. If you have not submitted entries yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions about how to enter, please contact us and we will be happy to help. You can also sign up to sponsor this event. We would be happy to have you promote your company by becoming an Awards Sponsor. Click here to visit our awards page for more information on all things 2025 SFV Chapter Beautification Awards.
We are currently planning additional events with our neighboring chapters – Channel Islands and Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley – and hope that we can count on your continued support and involvement there as well. If there are any events you feel you would like us to organize, please feel free to reach out.
Thanks again, and if you would like to join our board, please contact us to discuss how you could help us and our members.
– Francisco Salazar, 2025 SFV Chapter President