Preparing for Higher Standards

Rain is finally here and with it lots of opportunity. Let me start by saying thank you to all the people who attended our Tri-Chapter Installation Dinner. Having all the Contractor and Associate Members made for a great network­ing night. Also, a special thank you to our CLCA State President Lindsay Ono for doing the honors of installing the new boards.

As many of you know, we will once again be hosting our annual Beautification Awards event this year. If any of you contractors in SFV, CI, or LA/SGV are thinking of entering projects for judg­ing, now is the time to begin vetting which sites they will be and start planning for what they might need. If you need any help with the application process, please reach out to us. If you would like to sponsor this event and be recognized as a sponsor in one of our award categories, please reach out to anyone on the board and we can get you started with the process. Remember, the Awards Banquet will be held on June 21 and judging dates will be May 1, 2 and 3.

Lastly, if you have received an email with a quick survey from our chapter email, please respond. The survey will help us plan event locations and topics in the future.

– Francisco Salazar, 2025 SFV Chapter President

Bronwyn Miller